Thursday, 24 December 2015

[OMSI 2] Bērzpils v0.4 (build 118)

0.4! Almost two years since the release of the very first version the map made it this far. The map is still in alpha, however this will be the last alpha release, that is, even though it is unlikely at this stage I still reserve the right to completely overhaul a part of the map.

Regardless, this is a map for OMSI 2 of a fictional town somewhere in Latvia called Bērzpils. This version includes 6 daytime and 2 nighttime routes!

A quick changelog from 0.3:

[+] added routes 4, 4N (night time), 12 and 14
[+] new areas and cosmetic fixes on existing ones
[+] few new AI routes so the city would not look as lonely ;)
[+] repaints for buses VanHool A320 and Solaris BVG (12 only)\


1 Autoosta [101] - Zīlciems [110] (routes 01/02) - Zīlciema Papīrfabrika [111] (peak hour extension; routes 03/04; look for trip 3)
1N Autoosta [101] - Jaunpārupe [112] (linie 00104; routes 05/06; nighttime route; a combination of routes 1 and 13) - this route switches with 4N (look for 1N_4N)
4 Autoosta [101] - Egleslauks [116] (routes 01/02)
   Autoosta [101] - Mūkuciems [115] (routes 03/04; weekend service that switches with 14; look for 4_14)
4N Autoosta [101] -  Mūkuciems [115] (linie 00404; routes 05/06; nighttime; follows route 4 up to Mūkuciems except the Dome diversion)
12 Egleslauks [116] - Zīlciems [110] (routes 01/02) - Zīlciema Papīrfabrika [111] (peak hour extension; routes 03/04)
13 Saules Dārzs [105] - Pārupes Krastmala [113] (routes 01/02)
14 BER [107] - Mūkuciems [115] (routes 01/02; on weekends switches with 4; look for 4_14)
20 Autoosta [103] (route 01; city loop)


Big thanks to these authors for un- and knowingly providing splines and objects to this map:

- Addon Simple Streets author(s);
- RastyFlyer;
- Steven Klunder;
- Gräf&Stift;
- Necrik.



Important: to run the map you will need objects by Steven Klunder


  1. Labs. :)
    Es arī lēnām sāku darbu pie Liepājas mapes.

    1. Parādi jau kā izskatās !

    2. Es centīšos daudz-maz reālu Liepāju izveidot.
      Šeit posts par Liepājas karti -

      Bet tā kā datoram nobruka cietais disks, tad sāku visu no jauna taisīt.
