Monday 27 July 2015

[OMSI 2] Bērzpils v0.3 (build 86)

Well, the map has made it to version 0.3! However, it is still in alpha and a lot of things do not work properly or do not work at all :) Having said that, please keep in mind that any parts of the map may be totally re-made for the upcoming releases.

Anyway, this is a map for OMSI 2 of a fictional town somewhere in Latvia called Bērzpils. This version includes 3 daytime and 1 nighttime routes.

Changelog from ver. 0.2:

[+] new route 20 (daytime city loop);
[+] bus depot (prototype);
[+] new and original coat of arms (thanks to Necrik for that);
[+] new objects and AI routes.


1 Autoosta [101] - Zīlciems [110] (routes 01/02) - Zīlciema Papīrfabrika [111] (peak hour extension; routes 03/04; look for trip 3)
1N Autoosta [101] - Jaunpārupe [112] (linie 00104; routes 05/06; nighttime route; a combination of routes 1 and 13)
13 Saules Dārzs [105] - Pārupes Krastmala [113] (routes 01/02)
20 Autoosta [103] (route 01; city loop)


Big thanks to these authors for un- and knowingly providing splines and objects to this map:
- Addon Simple Streets author(s);
- RastyFlyer;
- Steven Klunder;
- Necrik (for the coat of arms).

(this list might be expanded in the future)


Known bugs:

- Weird jams in some intersections (trying to work it out, no luck yet)

Download: link

Important: to run the map you will need objects by Steven Klunder

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